Tuesday, October 13, 2009

October 13

Doing a daily post is tough, especially when you have a day when you are angry or sad and introspective and have little motivation to be creative, and even less to share anything with an anonymous public. But it is good discipline, and I will persist. Note from a year ago in Geneva,, almost to the day, when I for the first time felt old from the outside in.

This morning I awoke well and practiced yoga for a short time before heading spryly to the bus get a early start at the office where I knew no one would be until 9 except for Mike, the CFO, who followed a rhythm forged somewhere other than this town. I just missed the 7:14 and so by the time the 7:25 came, there was a good crowd. As an out-of-towner I had to pay for a ticket, and so was one of the last to enter and all seats were taken. I plunked down my backpack, which has served as a briefcase since the early days in Washington when I realized the strain on the elbow of carrying too much at the end of an extended arm, grabbed strap and prepared for the first lurch forward of the bus.

The young woman seated in front of me half rose and said, “vous voulez vous assoir, monsieur?” It took me a good three seconds to even realize that I was Sir, and the offer for what it was. By that time I had already replied, “non, merci”. The “vous êtes sûr?” perturbed me more, driving home that there was no mistake, but also that the origins of the offer were sincere and polite and prompted by the whiteness of my beard and the respect for ”le troisième age”. Rude awakening, which stuck with me for the rest of the day like an ill fitting shoe or lost button on a shirt.


Jane (Whittlesey) Winn said...

You're not allowed to feel old. If that can happen to you, it could happen to me. And that would not be a good thing. - Jandy

MaineStreams said...

it wasn't that I felt (or feel) old, but am 63 and look it, and therefore the perception of my surface self is that I am. Certainly don't feel it (basketball at lunchtime still on the agenda) and the disconnect between my up and at 'em morning and the kind offer of the young lady on the bus was most disturbing...xxx D

Rafael said...

Well, you'd look much younger if you shaved your beard ! But then, you'd be someone else than David Whittlesey; and the disconnect could be even wider ... :-)

I am interested in this topic. I am turning 52 next week, but I look like 47 and mentally, ... I don't even dare make an estimate! Surely this affects my IQ :-)

Anyway David, thanks for hosting this blog, and from being who you are.
